Zooming in and out
I want to try some of the stuff in this paragraph, which is part of this post:
Practice zooming projects in and out. Make a basic 2-level project tree (root is project name and children are steps). Then add additional levels above and below. Do this multiple separate ways. And redo the original tree for the same project: write different steps for the same activity, and then do more levels above and below. Compare everything and see what seems realistic and useful to you. Imagine doing it and what would be useful or bad (too much detail or too little detail). Imagine explaining it to others and what would be useful. Look for errors. Actually do some projects and see what following the steps is like. Try turning your brain off, not using common sense or common knowledge, and only following the steps, and see how well or badly they work. You shouldn’t expect it to work perfectly that way but you can see how broken it is – some lists of project steps break more than others which shows they were making more assumptions and leaving more out.
This sounds like a big project. I will start small.
For this thread, my starting goal is just the first three sentences, once. I’ll do one basic two-level project tree and add one additional level above and one additional level below.
Then I’ll evaluate and decide if I want to add to my goal and do more.
I wanted to get it down to 2-5 steps. After some thought, I consolidated it: