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💡 Level of Detail Flexibility

Being able to zoom in on details, or zoom out to the bigger picture, is a key skill for looking at projects.

For zooming out, the same activity can be:

- a project
- a sub-tree within a larger project
- a single node within a much larger project

For zooming in, an activity can be:

- a project
- multiple projects (some or all nodes in original get their own entire project)
- multiple groups of projects (you split it into multiple projects, then split those projects into multiple projects)

In my lists, I've given 0, 1, and 2 levels of zooming out or in. One can go further too. You could zoom out to a parent project 10+ times, or zoom in to a sub-project 10+ times.

This is best understood with trees. Zooming out means traversing the tree towards the root (towards parents/ancestors), and zooming in means traversing away from the root (towards children/descendants/leaves). A project consists of one node (project name) plus its children (steps). Each step may itself be a project with its own child steps, and so on. But you can collapse (hide the children of) nodes when that level of detail isn't needed. And you can look at a sub-tree and hide the rest of the original tree to increase level of detail.


Project: Make cereal. It has some steps (get bowl, get milk, pour, eat, etc)

Zoom in: Reveal the steps that make up the "Get milk" step from making cereal 
Zoom in more: Reveal the steps that make up the "open the fridge" step from getting milk
Zoom in even more: "grasp fridge door" is now a project consisting of multiple muscle activations in coordination with eyesight

Zoom out: A bigger project containing "make cereal" is "make breakfast for me" (it's not the only option – making cereal is a sub-project of many different larger projects. it's a reusable component that adds value in multiple circumstances).
Zoom out more: "Make breakfast for me" is a sub-project of the larger "make breakfast for whole family" project which involves making more food.
Zoom out way more: Now the project is "have a good day" and making breakfast is a single node in that project.
Zoom out even more: Now the project is "live well for a year" and now making breakfast on one day is hidden. it's at too low a level of detail to be relevant. though we could still expand things and go find it if we wanted.

Do you understand? Can you explain some other examples? And does anyone know how to show projects with tree diagrams and how to make trees illustrating how zooming in or out on projects works? Please share if you can do it. If no one can do it, I'll show it in a few days.

Comments & Events

Elliot, Fallible Ideas
If you don't know tree terminology like "node" or "child", it's standard stuff you can search the web for, plus I explained it at in the "## Terminology" section
Anne B
I like this idea, but I'm torn. I want to work on this assignment and try to post something before the few days are up. But I don't want to abandon the project I'm already doing, about writing out steps for projects.
Do you understand? Can you explain some other examples? 

this feels hard but i think its easy so i should be able to do it. so im gonna try to start with an easy thing.
whats like the most easiest basic-ist way i can make an example of zooming in and zooming out? i guess i could like just steal what elliot did, but replace it with another example!

Project: Make cereal. It has some steps (get bowl, get milk, pour, eat, etc) 

making cereal can be a project? ok what project could i do where i can easily steal elliots steps, but have a different example? something else in the kitchen i guess.

Project: Make soup. It has some steps (get bowl, get canned soup, get can opener, pour, microwave)

ok ive successfully stole that part i think

 Zoom in: Reveal the steps that make up the "Get milk" step from making cereal  

ok well i have "get canned soup" so that should be similar enough.

Zoom in: Reveal the steps that make up "Get canned soup" step from making soup

ok so what are the steps of getting canned soup?

0. Realize that you want to make soup
1. Have canned soup
2. Know where the canned soup is (probably the kitchen)
3. Go to cupboard where the canned soup is
4. Open the cupboard
5. Grab canned soup
6. Place it on counter
You have now accomplished the "Get canned soup" step!

ok im not stealing elliots example as much as i originally intended to, but i think this is fine so far.

i want to zoom in on one of the 7 steps above but it feels hard. im gonna see if i can steal elliots steps more

 Zoom in more: Reveal the steps that make up the "open the fridge" step from getting milk 

Zoom in more: Reveal the steps that make up the "Place it on counter" step from getting canned soup.

0. Be holding canned soup
2. Retract arm out of cupboard
3. Lower arm and shoulder
4. While can is approaching counter make sure its slow enough so that it doesnt break when it touches the counter!
5. Touch the can to the counter
6. Let go of can
You have now accomplished the "Place can on counter" step!

 Zoom in even more: "grasp fridge door" is now a project consisting of multiple muscle activations in coordination with eyesight 

Zoom in even more: "Let go of can" is now a project consisting of multiple muscle activations.

0. Be holding canned soup
1.  Extend thumb
2. Extend index finger
3. Extend middle finger
4. Extend ring finger

ok im done with this project for now. i did zooming in, but i didnt do zooming out yet, il do zooming out later i think.
Elliot, Fallible Ideas
Zoom in: Reveal the steps that make up "Get canned soup" step from making soup

ok so what are the steps of getting canned soup?

Realize that you want to make soup

Realizing you want soup could be a sub-step of the overall soup project, but it's not a sub-step of "get canned soup". you don't need to realize you want soup in order to get one from the cupboard.

Overall, good start. can you make a tree diagram of it?
Realizing you want soup could be a sub-step of the overall soup project, but it's not a sub-step of "get canned soup". you don't need to realize you want soup in order to get one from the cupboard. 

ok. i think the "Be holding canned soup" parts are fine, i think u need to already be holding canned soup to let go of it.
 Overall, good start. can you make a tree diagram of it? 

idk that feels hard. first il try with a really easy example. maybe i can make a tree that has some nodes like:


and then i can have some SMALLs as children of the mediums

and then il figure out how i can translate to different levels of steps
ok i made a basic tree
i am going to try making a tree with some actual steps and things instead of just "BIG, MEDIUM, SMALL".