go read the way he would have done the State of the Union if he were President.
spiderweb software makes the exile games. i originally registered exile 2 and 3 for windows. i wrote them 2day asking for mac registration codes. 71 minutes later they sent them, no questions asked, no hassle. and this is for a very old game (if it was a big company, they'd probably have discontinued everything to do with it by now). so i wanted to share how cool they are and encourage you to buy their games (well at least the exile ones -- i don't like the others so much)
In vandalizing a Stockholm art exhibit, Israel's ambassador to Sweden showed the true face of his government
and it gets worse, not better...
well i'm sure if we go to somewhere else, it'll get better.
how about The Boston Globe
As usual, the ideologues are using this undiplomatic diplomatic gaffe and the brutal "Snow White" as grist for their respective mills.
lovely equivocation there. preceded by anti-Sharon sentiment...
The Daily Star claims to be the largest circulation newspaper in Bangladesh (they didn't bother to tell me where Bangladesh is, though). They go on about how they are not biased and how their broad appeal gets them lots of readership, blah blah blah.
Here is one of their articles:
and that's enough of that.
Israel, (a theocracy), in a confusing move, has dismantled a synagogue. Military analysts are theorising that Sharon was drunk and hit the wrong button when inputting what he wanted destroyed. Probably Tapuah West synagogue was right next to The West Bank.
I just beat Exile: Escape From The Pit (Mac Version | PC Version)
There are three ways to win, actually. I finished all of them today. I'm proud. :-)