back to google news. found this. safe-looking URL and says it's an associated press story, so off we go:
Doesn't this mean that if Israel simply tries to defend itself and doesn't make enough concessions at the bargaining table, Palestinians will continue trying to exterminate Israel (ie not have peace).
Peace doesn't come from words, it comes from refraining from murder and attempted murder.
Oh how horrid. They're clearly oppressed -- they won't get as much land as they'd like unless they stop trying to murder jews.
Deep, eh? Ever look at a map? Dipshit.
And the Qureia guy will only consider fighting terrorism if Sharon gives him stuff? My God, Sharon ought to give him a beating.
Know why? Because the fence makes them unnecssary. Credit should go where it's due; this is a pretty serious distortion.
Do you know why the IDF searches girls' schools for terrorists and weapons? Because they hide them there! Scum.
Did you notice how the reporter didn't bother to find out what happened, and just repeated some made-up lies about the IDF? Then tries to paint it like a coverup when he cites the IDF.
anyway, it's sunday, so i better write some frontpage stuff, so probably no more posts here today. cya
woty posts like never, but she posted today. worth reading.
Just read this.
The thing is, if you read the article, it's *former* US officials. sheesh.
And this article, like all the others I've seen so far, tries to portray the Geneva Initiative as a joint Palestinian-Israeli venture, and a big step towards cooperation and peace, even though it's opposed by the Israeli government, and only left-wing loonies are cooperating on it.
ok so i google newsed for israel palestine again, and found this at the top. it's some chinese diplomat saying the way to create peace in the middle east is international support for peace. ho hum.
but it gets worse. the entire thing has zero moral judgments.
but it gets even worse. it does have this:
There was no equivalent statement urging anyone to help Israelis. Also, if you stop and think about what many Palestinian organisations actually do with money (kill Jews) ... *cough*
To try and appear fair and balanced, the article does bother to quote an Israeli once. However, they managed to find one who opposes Sharon. *sweatdrop*
Here's what Sharon says, which makes rather a lot of sense:
"It is damaging and embarrassing for Israel, it's a mistake to put on such a show and at the same time jeopardize a program which is the only one that can bring a solution," Sharon argued, in reference to the roadmap.
BTW the article i got that quote from is HEAVILY biased, but I noticed the islam-online URL so I won't bother criticising it bit by bit.
and so does half its readers.
link and check out the quick poll results. currently 18k ppl say hoax, 15k say ghost.
By Christopher Bollyn
American Free Press
Methinks it's a good thing for him he's right about that 'free press' comment....
Here's the source. Linking sources is something Chris (the author) doesn't bother with, but I still think is important.
It's amusing how Chris disavows some of his claims by blaming them on other people. For example, "It is a racist wall, according to its critics". If you're willing to just repeat what some Hamas spokesman dreamed last night, you can write an article saying virtually anything against Israel, without having to make a claim yourself. This way if anyone disagrees, you can refer them to Hamas to argue with :-)
Also of note is how the j000s aren't just racist against Palestinians. Oh no, now they're stealing land from Christians too. I guess this is because the US has a lot of Christians that Chris would like to convert to his cause.
And if you're thinking, "sheesh, Elliot, you didn't even refute his claims, this is just ad hominem BS." I'd just like to point out Chris didn't bother source any of them. They really are just made up, far as I can tell.
I'd also like to refer you to Honest Reporting's take on the fence.
Does Chris really think he can turn US Christians against Israel this easily? Even in the midst of his own rhetoric he shies away from saying strong words like 'atrocity' himself and has to quote them. What a whiny bitch.
Riiiiight. The mass media is full of Jews, except lonely Chris fighting the good fight. He might even have had a point...if it wasn't for the fact that every other media outlet says the same damn thing. That's right, media outlets are all lone beacons of sanity surrounded by j0000s. You'd think we didn't even have the telegraph yet or something, the way they communicate.
You'll never guess how Chris found that out.
Yup, that's right, a Hamas spokesman told him.
I had to scroll a long ways to find this. Chris spent many paragraphs going on about unsourced "facts" that he says the Palestinian something-or-other organisation told him.
Anyway, I'll answer with a Bush quote (which I will actually source, too!):
"This is the task for all people, for all of us, and because it is for everyone we don't need to discuss exactly who individually is participating in the economical side of reconstruction here, international law must apply and must help the cause," he said.
But President Bush has brushed that aside.
"International law? I better call my lawyer. He didn't bring that up to me," he said.
(emphasis mine)
Anyway, that's enough of Chris. I'm gonna do something else now.
just google news for: israel palestine
and soon you will read stuff like
"Fact is, Israel is a damn near theocracy, for goodness sake." and be inspired to post. sheesh. post coming soon, and adding LGF to perm links, cause i ought to read it more, and it totally rocks.