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Fallible Ideas Unformatted (2015)

Some people claim they find email a hassle to use, and email quote formatting a burden.

They seem to like places like Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit where they can write stuff more quickly.

OK, guys. Here you go. I've always had blog comments that are even easier than that. You don't even register an account. Write whatever you want and hit submit. That's it.

There are no format rules in blog comments, no worries that you're sending people a bunch of dumb emails. Just write and hit submit, that's it. Just as easy as Facebook, etc. Better, actually, because of no stupid stuff like post length limits. My blog comments actually keep it simpler. You can use them like IMs.

So go ahead, write in the comments on this thread all the stuff you would have posted to FI list if only it had lower standards and no formatting rules. It's just blog comments. Say whatever. Who cares? Let's go!

Edit: (Re-edit) I had a link to a subreddit here. But it turns out reddit doesn't let you keep discussing stuff that's 6+ months old, so fuck that.

Edit 2: Note there are now more than 100 comments in the discussion. (Which took under half a day to reach.) Join the discussion!

Edit 3: So if you don't know how to use the site, you want to use the Recent Comments page to view the latest 50 comments. The link is in the left sidebar, so you can find it normally. And at the bottom of that page is a link to view ALL comments.

Elliot Temple on September 19, 2015

Messages (30 of 851) (Show All Comments)

>She has the right to retaliate.

what is she retaliating against?

Anonymous at 3:54 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5764 | reply | quote

> the fuck is wrong with you? criticizing your stupid posts doesn't prevent you from posting more idiocy. criticism isn't censorship. jfc.

As an anonymous member here I need to defend banned members of FI.

Nothing personal.

Anonymous at 3:54 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5765 | reply | quote

> what is she retaliating against?

I am not allowed to share the exact details.

You know what I am talking about.


Anonymous at 3:56 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5766 | reply | quote

Remove cough and X to know.

Anonymous at 3:58 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5767 | reply | quote

They keep talking about me on curi.us.

Now they even blame for the problems they created for themselves and keep creating for themselves.

You banned me from FI forever, now ban me from your minds forever.

Anonymous at 4:10 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5768 | reply | quote

Remember what Howard Roark said to Ellsworth Toohey.

Anonymous at 4:11 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5769 | reply | quote

Anonymous at 4:14 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5770 | reply | quote

Being hurt by one person in the past is not a justification for bullying others.

Bullies typically have irrational reasons of this kind. It's how they live with themselves and avoid changing.

anonymous at 4:17 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5771 | reply | quote

Comment about this:

Reply to

> lots of people learn as kids and then stop learning much at some point around age 15-30.


Anonymous at 4:18 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5772 | reply | quote

> Being hurt by one person in the past is not a justification for bullying others.

DD and other had the moral duty to protect her.

> Bullies typically have irrational reasons of this kind. It's how they live with themselves and avoid changing.

Some consider Elliot as a bully but they tolerate him so that they can learn from him.

Anonymous at 4:21 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5773 | reply | quote

> Some consider Elliot as a bully but they tolerate him so that they can learn from him.

liars are unwelcome. they should admit what they think or leave. they are treating Elliot very badly and immorally.

Anonymous at 4:30 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5774 | reply | quote

> liars are unwelcome. they should admit what they think or leave. they are treating Elliot very badly and immorally.

What do you mean by "Admit what they think"?

Who treated Elliot badly and immorally?

Anonymous at 4:33 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5775 | reply | quote

you said they think Elliot is a bully. but they don't admit it. they lie.

Anonymous at 4:42 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5776 | reply | quote

>Some consider Elliot as a bully but they tolerate him so that they can learn from him.

Elliot's the kindest person I know

The people who think he's a bully should say so. They should say what they think he does that is bullying

Anonymous at 4:44 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5777 | reply | quote

> Elliot's the kindest person I know

Define Kind according to you.

Anonymous at 5:06 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5778 | reply | quote

>Some consider Elliot as a bully but they tolerate him so that they can learn from him.

Bullies often make vague false accusations like this. They then fail or refuse to explain clearly.

This is one way they justify their immoral behaviour to themselves and gullible others.

anonymous at 6:17 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5779 | reply | quote

> Bullies often make vague false accusations like this. They then fail or refuse to explain clearly.


Should you write your accusation down on a paper and research them and gather quotes before you tell them?

Sometimes the excitement is too much to keep it down.

How do I lower my excitement of revealing my unstudied findings?

Anonymous at 7:03 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5780 | reply | quote

> How do I lower my excitement of revealing my unstudied findings?

Excited idiots are not allowed on FI

Anonymous at 7:16 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5781 | reply | quote

> Should you write your accusation down on a paper and research them and gather quotes before you tell them?

Keep your false accusations to yourself.

Anonymous at 7:19 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5782 | reply | quote

> Elliot's the kindest person I know


Anonymous at 7:20 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5783 | reply | quote

> Should you write your accusation down on a paper and research them and gather quotes before you tell them?

Don't accuse Elliot when you are unsure.

Try to be kind like Elliot.

Anonymous at 7:38 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5784 | reply | quote

Only Evil bullies accuse others and run away.

Don't be that.

Anonymous at 7:39 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5785 | reply | quote

You need to kill all your emotions if you want to be on FI.

Anonymous at 7:40 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5786 | reply | quote

What is the purpose of studying right wing philosophy if your idea is never going to be popular?

Why be an outcast following a philosophy that is so hated by the people?

Why follow a philosophy that will not be embraced by any nation politically atleast for the next 500 years?

Jermaine at 7:49 AM on May 29, 2016 | #5787 | reply | quote

you don't know when or why people will embrace reason. let's try to figure that out and how to help the process.

what's the purpose of studying something OTHER THAN the truth? nothing else is any good.

Anonymous at 2:18 PM on May 29, 2016 | #5790 | reply | quote

> Some consider Elliot as a bully but they tolerate him so that they can learn from him.


Anonymous at 2:18 PM on May 29, 2016 | #5791 | reply | quote

Leonor wrote:

> it was my ideas that Ayn Rand was compatible with Popper

Leonor was in no way the source of this idea for the FI community. (I have no idea whether she had a similar idea on her own. But she didn't tell us. I didn't even know she'd read Popper.)

Anonymous at 8:25 AM on June 5, 2016 | #5828 | reply | quote


> The conversation where I had the idea happened around 2007 in a TCS forum called The Frog Pond that does not exist anymore and it was not archived by Wayback machine. Even if the forum still existed, I erased many, if not all, comments that I wrote in a self-destructive spree. If there are records, some of what I said could still appear in the quotes Elliot made, but it won't be under my real name.


> In that forum, I posted as "anonymous" at on point then I also used the alias "Dr. Ymous" as a joke for people calling me "anon". Elliot then shows up in the forum and didn't like when he discovered that the anonymous he was talking to was me. Elliot was interested in my ideas until he knew they were from me. My guess is that Elliot doesn't want to associate with me by giving me credit.


> At the time I remember that Elliot thought that Ayn Rand's ideas were not compatible with fallibilism. I didn't develop my idea, Elliot researched it further and wrote about it extensively. But I gave him a seed.

this is false and Leonor should stop trying to take credit for other people's ideas. she isn't being given credit because she played absolutely zero role in this.

Anonymous at 5:13 AM on June 6, 2016 | #5829 | reply | quote

comments now have visible numbers in the footer and you can now link to comments by writing something like #2618 and it will automatically make a link.

curi at 5:28 PM on June 12, 2016 | #5868 | reply | quote


(commenting here because of the awful blog rules in the sidebar which are anti-FI-people)

> and why were just passively watching them like in a tv show?

why do you think Kate wasn't participating? maybe she participates in all kinds of awful stuff and leaves that part out of her posts.

> trying to impress elliot is more important than living a good life.

do you think Elliot is impressed? do you think Kate thinks he is? Elliot replied repeating his theme that these ppl can't read.

> maybe kate is like the hero in anthem, planning something awesome, but having to pretend she is the same as others in order not to endanger her life.


Anonymous at 9:15 PM on June 16, 2016 | #5909 | reply | quote

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(Due to multi-year, sustained harassment from David Deutsch and his fans, commenting here requires an account. Accounts are not publicly available. Discussion info.)