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Follow Your Interests

To a first approximation, follow your interests. If you see a problem with that, take an interest in fixing your (other) interests.

Elliot Temple on December 19, 2016

Messages (2)

Shouldn't a person figure out what are good interests to have first?

A person could have bad interests (I don't know if giving graphic examples would be helpful here) and not find a problem with them until they were arrested. And after being arrested, they could think the problem was society oppressing them.

In some cases, like women in Saudi Arabia, then it's society oppressing them if they can't pursuit their interests. So it's not their interests that need fixing.

Anonymous at 11:01 AM on December 20, 2016 | #7897 | reply | quote

> Shouldn't a person figure out what are good interests to have first?

in other words, you see a problem with the first sentence. so please see the second sentence for the solution.

> In some cases, like women in Saudi Arabia, then it's society oppressing them if they can't pursuit their interests. So it's not their interests that need fixing.

yes, that's a different context.

Anonymous at 1:50 PM on December 20, 2016 | #7904 | reply | quote

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