okie, 'nother old idea i like.
p: if ya constrain sum1's choices, ur responsible for making the constraint not hurt person
p: having a kid, constrains kid's choices b/c "not be born" is out, ie ya make person live
c: parents r responsible for making being born not hurt kid
Messages (4)
> c: parents r responsible for making being born not hurt kid
i'm guessing you don't just mean *at the time of birth*, right? like, the rest of kid's life too?
it means that being born shouldn't be a bad thing for the kid. the parent is responsible for making it not be bad. yes, for his whole life.
> yes, for his whole life.
How is this compatible with your ideas of individual responsibility?
you are responsible for your choices. you can never retroactively be responsible for someone else's choices such as their choice to have a kid.