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okie, 'nother old idea i like.

p: if ya constrain sum1's choices, ur responsible for making the constraint not hurt person
p: having a kid, constrains kid's choices b/c "not be born" is out, ie ya make person live
c: parents r responsible for making being born not hurt kid

Elliot Temple on April 25, 2003

Messages (4)

> c: parents r responsible for making being born not hurt kid

i'm guessing you don't just mean *at the time of birth*, right? like, the rest of kid's life too?

Anonymous at 5:27 PM on February 1, 2016 | #4775 | reply | quote

it means that being born shouldn't be a bad thing for the kid. the parent is responsible for making it not be bad. yes, for his whole life.

Anonymous at 5:31 PM on February 1, 2016 | #4776 | reply | quote

> yes, for his whole life.

How is this compatible with your ideas of individual responsibility?

Anonymous at 1:13 AM on February 2, 2016 | #4777 | reply | quote

you are responsible for your choices. you can never retroactively be responsible for someone else's choices such as their choice to have a kid.

Anonymous at 5:27 AM on February 2, 2016 | #4780 | reply | quote

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