Red Pill Comments

The red pill and pickup artist (PUA) perspective on life, particularly on social dynamics, is interesting, valuable, worthwhile and broadly accurate. People can benefit tons from learning it and rejecting their bluepill social conditioning.

I sometimes want to share red pill/social dynamics/PUA perspectives and insights. But I don't fully agree with and endorse them, so I may tag messages with [redpill] or [rp] to indicate their perspective.

Making a social comment doesn't mean I endorse the social game itself. I disclaim that.

The social game is pervasive in life. Despite being irrational, it merits critical commentary, analysis and attention because of how much it affects people's lives.

In discussion, I often focus on the physical/logical/rational world and don't talk about the social world. This is problematic when other people make social statements and treat discussion like a contest between rival social hierarchy climbers. I want to address these social behaviors more and share insight about the social world with my audience.

Elliot Temple | Permalink | Messages (2)

Second-handedness Examples

For He's A Jolly Good Fellow Lyrics

For he's a jolly good fellow [...] which nobody can deny

Phrasing it in terms of what other people can deny is second-handed. It views the world in terms of other people's opinions instead of truth.

Please post dozens examples of second-handedness in the comments below. It'll help you be a better person.

Elliot Temple | Permalink | Messages (45)

Static Memes Are About Social Dynamics

This post shares recent conjectures. I’m less confident than usual. I’m confident there’s something important and irrational about social dynamics (which is not a recent or original thought), but I’m less confident about the connection with static memes in particular (which is an original idea covering specifics that David Deutsch left mostly unspecified).

The core static memes (see Third Type of Meme: Static Companion Memes and comments, which I'm following up on) are second-handedness (see The Fountainhead) and related social orientation instead of reality orientation. The way static memes suppress critical faculties is by getting people to judge in terms of the opinions of other people, and their social status, rather than in terms of facts, logic and reality. Static memes get people to replace their connection with objective reality with a connection with social dynamics.

Static societies are similar to what Elsworth Toohey described to Peter Keating in The Fountainhead (emphasis added):

“ ... A world of obedience and of unity. A world where the thought of each man will not be his own, but an attempt to guess the thought in the brain of his neighbor who’ll have no thought of his own but an attempt to guess the thought of the next neighbor who’ll have no thought—and so on, Peter, around the globe. Since all must agree with all. A world where no man will hold a desire for himself, but will direct all his efforts to satisfy the desires of his neighbor who’ll have no desires except to satisfy the desires of the next neighbor who’ll have no desires—around the globe, Peter. Since all must serve all. A world in which man will not work for so innocent an incentive as money, but for that headless monster—prestige. The approval of his fellows—their good opinion—the opinion of men who’ll be allowed to hold no opinion.... Judgment, Peter? Not judgment, but public polls. An average drawn upon zeroes—since no individuality will be permitted.... I want power.... Let all live for all. Let all sacrifice and none profit. Let all suffer and none enjoy. Let progress stop. Let all stagnate. There’s equality in stagnation. All subjugated to the will of all. Universal slavery—without even the dignity of a master. Slavery to slavery. A great circle—and a total equality....”

Static companion memes, then, are socially calibrated behaviors – they compete to better fit into the social game instead of being useful or reality-oriented. Most of the social rules (in detail re particular things) and behaviors don’t create or cause the social game itself, they just make sense within it. An example is being passive-aggressive (or more specifically a particular insult like saying something is a “bad look” or “weird”). That’s something which is adapted to the selection pressures of social games instead of the selection pressures of dealing with reality. Wearing fashionable clothes, learning recent jargon for a subculture, trying to please others, and all sorts of social climbing are static companion memes. They’re evolved not to directly suppress thinking but to be effective in the social world created by the core static memes to shut down creative thought about reality.

Consequently, it’s informative to analyze many things in two ways: in terms of reality (facts, logic, science, literal meanings of word, etc.) and in terms of social reality (what people think of it, its meaning in social status contests). Many misunderstandings and clashes between people in our mixed society are because one person, at this time, is focusing on real reality while the other is focusing on social reality.

David Deutsch described in The Fabric of Reality how (in his experience) scientists only have a scientific mindset at certain times and use a social mindset at other times. Italics are DD’s, bolds are my emphasis:

I have sometimes found myself on the minority side of fundamental scientific controversies. But I have never come across anything like a Kuhnian situation. Of course, as I have said, the majority of the scientific community is not always quite as open to criticism as it ideally should be. Nevertheless, the extent to which it adheres to ‘proper scientific practice’ in the conduct of scientific research is nothing short of remarkable. You need only attend a research seminar in any fundamental field in the ‘hard’ sciences to see how strongly people's behaviour as researchers differs from human behaviour in general. Here we see a learned professor, acknowledged as the leading expert in the entire field, delivering a seminar. The seminar room is filled with people from every rank in the hierarchy of academic research, from graduate students who were introduced to the field only weeks ago, to other professors whose prestige rivals that of the speaker. The academic hierarchy is an intricate power structure in which people's careers, influence and reputation are continuously at stake, as much as in any cabinet room or boardroom — or more so. Yet so long as the seminar is in progress it may be quite hard for an observer to distinguish the participants’ ranks. The most junior graduate student asks a question: ‘Does your third equation really follow from the second one? Surely that term you omitted is not negligible.’ The professor is sure that the term is negligible, and that the student is making an error of judgement that someone more experienced would not have made. So what happens next?

In an analogous situation, a powerful chief executive whose business judgement was being contradicted by a brash new recruit might say, ‘Look, I've made more of these judgements than you've  had hot dinners. If I tell you it works, then it works.’ A senior politician might say in response to criticism from an obscure but ambitious party worker, ‘Whose side are you on, anyway?’ Even our professor, away from the research context (while delivering an undergraduate lecture, say) might well reply dismissively, ‘You'd better learn to walk before you can run. Read the textbook, and meanwhile don't waste your time and ours.’ But in the research seminar any such response to criticism would cause a wave of embarrassment to pass through the seminar room. People would avert their eyes and pretend to be diligently studying their notes. There would be smirks and sidelong glances. Everyone would be shocked by the sheer impropriety of such an attitude. In this situation, appeals to authority (at least, overt ones) are simply not acceptable, even when the most senior person in the entire field is addressing the most junior.

So the professor takes the student's point seriously, and responds with a concise but adequate argument in defence of the disputed equation. The professor tries hard to show no sign of being irritated by criticism from so lowly a source. Most of the questions from the floor will have the form of criticisms which, if valid, would diminish or destroy the value of the professor's life's work. But bringing vigorous and diverse criticism to bear on accepted truths is one of the very purposes of the seminar. Everyone takes it for granted that the truth is not obvious, and that the obvious need not be true; that ideas are to be accepted or rejected according to their content and not their origin; that the greatest minds can easily make mistakes; and that the most trivial-seeming objection may be the key to a great new discovery.

So the participants in the seminar, while they are engaged in science, do behave in large measure with scientific rationality. But now the seminar ends. Let us follow the group into the dining-hall. Immediately, normal human social behaviour reasserts itself. The professor is treated with deference, and sits at a table with those of equal rank. A chosen few from the lower ranks are given the privilege of being allowed to sit there too. The conversation turns to the weather, gossip or (especially) academic politics. So long as those subjects are being discussed, all the dogmatism and prejudice, the pride and loyalty, the threats and flattery of typical human interactions in similar circumstances will reappear. But if the conversation happens to revert to the subject of the seminar, the scientists instantly become scientists again. Explanations are sought, evidence and argument rule, and rank becomes irrelevant to the course of the argument. That is, at any rate, my experience in the fields in which I have worked.

DD describes a world in which social behavior is the norm, but some men temporarily set it aside to think like scientists capable of learning something about reality instead of about who thinks who has a higher social rank than who.

See also The Law of Least Effort as an example of insightful analysis of social dynamics. While some basics about social status and interaction are well known, lots of the details and rules are not well known (or there are well known myths about them).

The core static memes are things which cause this situation and create the social game in the first place, rather than the consequences and details of it. It's whatever makes people second-handed rather than the latest fashion which isn't responsible for the situation. The law of least effort is something deep enough it could be closely related to a core static meme instead of being a superficial consequence like men holding doors open for women, but it's hard to tell.

In response to the basic idea that social dynamics are the essence of irrationality, there's a question one should ask. What about some other candidates for major irrationality issues? For example, superstition, religion and coercive parenting. How do those things fit into this picture?

Religion is a mix of social interaction and superstition (and some useful life advice), so let's turn to superstition. When people are oriented to social reality instead of physical reality, they lose touch with facts and logic. They judge a superstition not by whether it's true but by whether high social status people believe it.

For parenting, a lot of what parents do is socialize their children. They make them learn to defer to parental authority. They make them learn the social hierarchy of society and how to get along with others. When they say "Because I said so..." they mean because a higher status person said it to a much lower status person.

The problem I've been thinking about, which this post is in response to, is what's going on with people who won't/can't read literally, think logically, get facts right, be precise, etc. Why can't we have some common ground, as a basis for discussion, using standard dictionary English and some simple facts?

It's because they read and write sentences in terms of the loose gist for the reality meaning and focus mostly on the social meaning. While I read and write in terms of the reality meaning while paying only a little attention to the social meaning (overall, I do a lot better than random chance at e.g. not being rude – that shows some awareness of social meanings).

When I ask people to meet me, as common ground, at facts and logic – try to get some little details correct and focus on correctness and go step by step – it doesn't work because they're so oriented to the social world.

When I talk about problems like overreaching or lack of paths forward, those don't work with most people because they are reality/facts/etc oriented. They seem fundamental to me from my perspective, but they aren't designed to have the right social meanings to work for socially-focused people. Overreaching is not the fundamental problem of an overreacher. Living in social reality instead of actual reality is their fundamental problem.

Elliot Temple | Permalink | Messages (49)

Social Reality and Real Reality

There are two broad mindsets for how to deal with life: dealing with reality and dealing with social reality, social dynamics, social metaphysics, social climbing. Some people second-handedly focus on the opinions of other people, while others focus on dealing with nature, logic, facts and science. Most people do a mix of both, but many individual statements or actions are primarily related to one mindset.

I conjecture that social reality is the primary mechanism of static memes. That's how they make people irrational, prevent critical thinking, etc.

Social thinking is the primary reason people fail at being rational intellectuals. It's an ongoing cause of misunderstanding and conflict because e.g. I say something and people read it according to a non-literal, social meaning. Social thinkers aren't very connected to real reality because they're focusing on a whole separate reality.

Some of the messages I comment on in this post are from TheRat Chat.

This is from the public Fallible Ideas Discord.


looked thru #off-topic stuff. good tries alan, GISTE, J, anne. i thot u all did fine re logic. didn't address the bad faith tho which is why that didn't work



You should read the response above if you need a good laugh.


when ppl are saying things like that, they are basically admitting their bad faith



the basic underlying problem is 2 different approaches to life: facts/logic/physical-reality and social climber approach, social rules, social dynamics, social metapysics


is a whole separate way of thinking


it's the way of static memes


VSE is a cargo culter. his scientific logical mindset sounding statements are fakery for social posturing, which is why he can't engage with arguments, he just knows the kind of things to say but not how to understand arguments and respond substantively.


he thinks everyone is like this. doesn't know real scientists, logicians, etc., exist


this is one of the reaosns they hate meta. meta lets you call them out. if you only respond with topical statements, it actually helps them make it look like a real discussion


if you call out non sequiturs or otherwise talk about their errors, or the overall situation, that's a threat to them


if you just make statements re e.g. logic of scientific discovery, they can derail and fake forever. that's what they know how to do.


ppl ignore stuff they find socially inconvenient and then get mad about "meta" if u comment on this


and they have double standards: they make all kinds of demands that you do things, answer things, etc. which are meta comments


anyway when you see the kind of people who never give direct answers to questions, and don't read statements in a way that's very well connected to the dictionary meanings of the words, it's b/c they don't think in terms of facts and logic, they think in terms of social meanings


that's the big divide in the world which prevents ppl from engaging with FI and ruins their minds


that's the key principle of irrationality


social metaphysics doesn't do error correction.


ppl who manage to do some programming, science, engineering, math, etc., often either 1) don't get along well with ppl socially (especially common with the best ones) or 2) it's an exception which they turn off when they aren't in professional mode, like DD talking about the scientists leaving the lecturehall, going to the meal hall, and then going into social dynamics mode and not being scientists anymore.


1:18 PM] TheRat: I count it after one asks, and he refuses. For example, he has yet to explain his assertion that I don't know what progress in a conversation looks like. After I asked for an explanation he asked me for my mode. Which is irrelevant as to how he came up with the assertion himself.
[1:19 PM] TheRat: model*


that is factually false. i've already corrected him on his factual errors many times. he has an unlimited supply of them.


sometimes he changes mindset and is able to think some but right now he's in a hostile and social mode, so he loses touch with reality and its facts.


the English language is closely connected to reality, as i blogged about yest, which is why social metaphysicians won't use it right


that's why all the conflicts re words


and the misreadings which are egregious from factual pov


there isn't a proper name for the reality/facts/logic/science side


that identifies it


cuz it's the default and there is a broad assumption that everyone is on that side


scientific mindset is too narrow


i like the contrast of social reality/metaphysics vs. real reality/metaphysics


but that's custom terminology



"a fair amount" is literally a quantifier


the examples are endless


he's just cargo culting to sound like a logician


TheRat: The whole writing in a channel one can't respond to is the most bizarre behaviors I have seen him display.

calling stuff bizarre is an example of a social judgment. similar to abnormal.


the use of "whole" is social


there's a factual error too. can you spot it?


the mindset of behaviors being on display, and putting things in terms of who has seen who do what, is also socially oriented.


they can (and have) responded




it's a double pronged error. cuz he maybe meant can't respond in the channel, which is not what he said. would that be true?


well i read him as speaking of e.g. VSE and SS, who i think are locked to off-topic. so if that's what he meant (can't respond in the channel) it seems true, unless maybe TheRat was gonna serve as a go-between or they were to ask for an unmute


needed to think about that one lol


he said "one" not VSE or SS




so consider if TheRat could reply here or not


talking about issues like discussion methodology or social vs. actual metaphysics is meta discussion. anything where you point out patterns of error instead of individual errors is meta discussion. their hostility to meta discussion is part of how they protect their racket. they have an unlimited source of errors and they don't want the pattern or source to be discussed.


also "behaviors" is an error, should be singular. and he left out the word "thing" after "respond to" to match "whole".


And i don't think the use of "most" is an honest, logical, factual thought.


i thought the complaining about channel thing was interesting cuz


in the face of the hostility level these folks have demonstrated


very standard approach would be to kick


for discord


and you figured out a way to not kick, to allow some discussion to proceed


and get flamed for it




Thought: People are dishonest because (one reason, not only) honesty is related to reality and they are acting in social reality which has its own rules. They are often honest re social rules, in some sense, e.g. they will back off when 100 people say they're wrong (as SS accused me of being unwilling to do – he was calling me socially dishonest).


i thought the off-topic channel was a rather elegant/clever solution


like the server's purpose is for people interested in FI


including people who disagree, that's fine


yes tho i don't think rat was talking about OT channel and u haven't given a direct answer.


but it's not really about enabling hostile flaming, appeals to authority and active disinterest in this community's ideas...


oh re: answer you mean "4:46 PM] curi: so consider if TheRat could reply here or not"




the reason i can't back off to simpler stuff and get common ground with ppl is they back off to simpler social claims while i back off to simpler facts and logic.


well he could reply to stuff said here in another channel


could he reply in #contributors ?


oh lol


i see


yes he could


it seems like you thought the answer was "no" but didn't want to disagree with me, or assumed i had some other point in mind, so were avoiding direct response


ya i was leaning no but didn't wanna respond right away






so why is the answer yes? u didn't explain.




he could become a contributor


yes. $2 for a month is not an impenetrable barrier to replying.


he also acts like i'm talking to him but not letting him reply


but i was talking to my contributors


my messages were aimed at the audience of ppl who like my stuff


back to main theme: notice how often they accuse me of social errors


i think lots of those are real opinions involving some (social) thought and not just lying in ways they hope to get away with.


whereas their accusations of factual errors are all cargo cult stuff, skin deep, no details, no examples, no analysis (sometimes a little bit of that stuff, which is always fake cardboard cutouts and they derail if you try to look behind the curtain)


:06 PM] TheRat: nobody cares about his alleged skills at coming to a conclusion. What matters is his explanations of his conclusions


notice the social emphasis re what people care about


and the disrespect for facts. "nobody" is egregiously factually false




but that sort of factually false exaggeration like "nobody" is allowable in social rules. it's actually encouraged. it's like saying "you were 3 hours late" to someone who was 2 hours late. if they correct you, they have to admit to being 2 hours late and spend time focusing attention on that fact which is bad for them. so it's lose/lose for them.


ppl will be like "holy shit how are you defending being 2 hours late?"


in social rules, a lot of stuff can be taken out of context. i think the context rules are different.


the social context is stuff like how prestigious someone is, not what is the parent statement of a statement.


social stuff has so much selective attention. hypocrisy is a facts and logic concern related to consistency and general principles.


the social world has other general principles like that low status is bad and that the appearance of effort is bad (with exceptions but it has a lot of generality).


but it doesn't worry about consistency like if you say X is bad when Joe does it, then X should be deemed bad when you do it. the person who is doing it is major differentiating context in social metaphysics. what you can get away with socially is a big issue based on your social status.


i was reading about an applied example of effort is bad


in some sense they see it as not being hypocritical b/c ppl with different social status levels doing the same actions are not the same things


just like we think "ofc joe can lift that and bob can't, joe is stronger"


the idea of "sprezzatura" as applied to male fashion


what ur allowed to do or say is based on ur social status level


and that's a thing they're always taking into account as relevant, differentiating context


That's the interesting dichotomy of good style: you want to look good but you also don't want to look like you're trying too hard.

There needs to be an element of nonchalance or sprezzatura (aka artful dishevelment) to your look.


going into details like node by node analysis of discussion is high effort


so the social ppl super resist it whether they could do it or not


not b/c they are avoiding effort itself – they will sometimes e.g. put lots of effort into days of derailing and BS, and make the conversations use more resources not less – but more b/c appearance of effort (as judged in a particular way that isn't very factually accurate) is socially bad and they internalized that social rule


you have a blindspot for curi

social statement


who is allies with who


I don't want to go off topic because as we have seen that never works.

social re what the group has seen. that's how something is determined to be true


it's so ingrained they are bad at hiding it


also let him defend himself. You shouldn't fight his battles

heh, nice example simultaneous to me saying they're bad at hiding it


and he goes and openly admits he views discussion as battle


and he's talking about the sources of statements, treating the same arguments as different depending on who says them


social metaphysics is very interested in sources of ideas. it needs those to judge ideas by the social status of the speaker.


and rat is saying: you shouldn't be allies with that guy cuz he's a pariah


he wouldn't tell a marxist you shouldn't fight marx's battles for him.


he wouldn't do it with a live and high status person either, like he wouldn't tell a DD fan not to fight DD's battles for him meaning don't argue in favor of FoR and BoI.


he's hurting you by making you his proxy, you aren't thinking for yourself.

rat wants to talk about who is doing what to who


who is whose ally and what is the relative status of the ppl in the group


2:25 PM] TheRat: its not good

he thinks justin is being hurt by having a low status place in my group


he also claims i'm the actor here, the puppet master, that i'm "making" justin, which is a good example of lack of interest in physical reality and its facts


there's also the fact that i responded to rat and he ignored me


and responded to justin only


so who exactly chose that rat should be talking with J instead of me directly?


but rat is talking social facts, which don't care about facts


You've successfully derailed the conversation.

says the guy who won't answer one question, and claims to dislike meta discussion but keeps doing it


was gonna say this if Rat conceded assertions: even if curi did make explanationless assertions -- which I doubt, but let's stipulate it for the heck of it -- even if he did, and you also made assertions, @TheRat , then at the very best ya'll would be a symmetrical position re: making some assertions in the conversation. Reason doesn't say making assertions is okay cuz the other guy started it... but instead of trying to bridge the gap of (at best, for you) mistakes on both sides, Rat, you seem more into being mad, flaming people you disagree with as not thinking for themselves, etc.


writing here cuz rat didn't wanna engage


no one explains all their assertions


methodology is needed re which to explain, when, why


and there is the whole regress issue


i guess part of the issue is


when you explain one u make other assertions


is like how u can't define all the words


i view explanationless assertion as


something for which there is no explanation available


like a bluff


you need some common ground so u don't have to explain everything infinitely


and I refuse to move from that until he addresses it.


i factually already addressed it and rat just ignored me


he is making unexplained, unargued assertions


he's cargo culting what a principled stand looked like


but it's so divorced from reality


Since curi is clearly not afk but crying in his own channel,


social comment



it's all this social stuff about what people have done what actions and who the burdens should fall on, who deserves what treatment and which people should do what actions in the future


rat enjoyed sending my debate policy to ppl. did he think it was a good way to socially bully them? now when he has an issue with me he doesn't want to use it. does he think the policy is too unfair or unreasonable to use? but then why did he keep linking others to it to challenge them? more social dynamics crap going on?


enjoyed is the wrong word. i'd guess it's true but the issue is more that he seemed to think it was good and rational to do that.


Imagine if anyone thought that flew as an explanation. "Vaccines don't work." Why? "See my debate policy"


can you spot the 4+ social attacks here?


anti-blogger flaming, comparison to low status vaccine deniers, "mah feels" to claim the status of being more rational vs an emotional person


struggling to get to 4


u missed the biggest one!


😄 doh


he smeared me as a person who thinks differently than anyone else




u cud phrase it other ways but he's saying ~everyone thinks i'm wrong and he put stuff blatantly in second handed terms of what ppl think


the msg has other issues like he's misrepresenting what i said


and the method of imagining a counterfactual world instead of analyzing


and the appeal to the obvious dumbness of the scenario rather than arguing why


and the not saying his conclusion: that woudl be bad


the structure is "Imagine if X."


with no conclusion statement b/c it's assumed to be so obvious it doesn't need saying


there's also no direct connection btwn the msg and what i said, and no attempt at one


that's only implied


he focused on social instead of logic


the point of it, the purpose, was the 4 social smears


@Freeze perhaps you can learn something about how and why ppl quit FI. or perhaps you can try to talk to him.



lol/sigh @ the unargued assertion (got schooled, which is also an anti-student social smear) in the msg accusing me unargued assertions


@Mingmecha you also asked re ppl quitting FI


I was asking SS about what he meant by one of his statements that included the word “force”, where he misused the word. After some back and forth I asked him to restate without the word “force”. He was surprised that I wanted that. He said something like that he couldn’t do it cuz force is what he meant. That made no damn sense. Like he wanted me to make sense of his statement despite it containing a word that he knew didn’t really fit. And he put so much effort in the meta, effort that he instead could have put into restating without the word “force”.


I was pretty surprised by that.


I didn’t know that people did that.


So that’s something I learned. And SS said shortly after that convo that he thinks I didn’t learn anything from the meta discussion.



good answer GISTE

Elliot Temple | Permalink | Messages (10)

TheRat Chat

Example of how irrational people are and how hard it is to deal with. Think you're better at reason youreslf or better able to engage with people productively? Test your skills in discussions and share transcripts for critical analysis. If you never test how good you are, and take other steps to get good, you should assume you're highly irrational. Highly irrational is the default.

This is from the public Fallible Ideas Discord.


However, I reject your summary of the discussion.


hey Rat, do you think curi puts in a fair amount of effort in general re: explaining things carefully, doing things like making discussion trees, referring people to resources relevant to the point at hand, etc?




I think he does both things. Put a lot of effort in some things, and make unargued, unexplained assertions too.


Rat has their been any instance you can point to where there was no path forward, nothing you could have done to try to address some conversational impasse? Where curi left no route for making progress in the discussion? If you answer in the affirmative, link or quote please


and tilts when someone even slightly presses him to explain himself


like yesterday


called it "demanding' and nonsense of the sort


rat have you ever done this?


or ever used my debate policy?


@TheRat I suggest you consider whether an organized attempt to demonstrate what you regard as curi's unreasonableness (with quotes, discussion tree, whatever) might be a better use of your time than venting in the chat.


make it clear as day for us all if you can. the more clearly right you are, the easier your task should be.


I think the situation from yesterday is quite clear


oh that reminds me, the vegan never got back to me who was reading BoI and said he would write 3 blog posts then debate me (i said i'd take 3 instead of 20 for debate policy)


TheRat: I think he does both things. Put a lot of effort in some things, and make unargued, unexplained assertions too.


do you think there might be a relationship between the effort you put into some area and what sort of things you can quickly come to a correct judgment about within that area?


What's the relevance?


nobody cares about his alleged skills at coming to a conclusion. What matters is his explanations of his conclusions


which he fails to do


1:34 PM] TheRat: I think the situation from yesterday is quite clear

Do you think you explained why you regard the situation as clear, Rat?


Don't shift it


He made the assertions


ot me


Do you concede you've made assertions?



why is rat doing meta discussion?


he says meta sux?


Let me put it as clear as I can, and hopefully you'll see it but you have a blindspot for curi so I don't have high hopes. Curi makes assertions he refuses to explain, what efforts he puts in other areas or how good he is at getting to conclusions etc.. is utterly irrelevant. Does he explain his assertions? No. If he asserts "You don't know how to do X" and is asked for an explanation, saying "What is your system to do X" is not an explanation. It is a dodge. He already made the assertion "You don't know how to do X" and he refuses to explain himself. This is an ongoing pattern with curi I have labelled PatternB.


Rat do you concede making assertions or not




humor me?


Yes, but after we have resolved the problem of PatternB


by "humor me?" i was asking for an immediate reply on that discrete issue




I don't want to go off topic because as we have seen that never works.


one char direct reply would be lower effort than non-substantive reply alternatives!


also let him defend himself. You shouldn't fight his battles


this isn't a battle


he's hurting you by making you his proxy, you aren't thinking for yourself.


its not good


you're being disrespectful and offensive


You've successfully derailed the conversation. I'll go back to

Curi makes assertions he refuses to explain, what efforts he puts in other areas or how good he is at getting to conclusions etc.. is utterly irrelevant. Does he explain his assertions? No. If he asserts "You don't know how to do X" and is asked for an explanation, saying "What is your system to do X" is not an explanation. It is a dodge. He already made the assertion "You don't know how to do X" and he refuses to explain himself. This is an ongoing pattern with curi I have labelled PatternB.


and I refuse to move from that until he addresses it. Or concedes he makes unargued assertions frequently.


I am under no delusions that he will do either.


maybe part of the reason you won't give a one character reply to me in good faith is that you view discussion as a battle


Irrelevant Justin, please refer to my quote.


Since curi is clearly not afk but crying in his own channel, I can safely assume he is here and has read what I wrote. His inability to defend it here (this channel) I am willing to take as a concession that he is incapable of defending his assertions. And I can drop the matter of PatternB.


he tried to engage with you, just now




He failed to address the issue.


"crying in his own channel" you're being a really douchebag rat


super hostile flaming


Irrelevant Justin


please refer to my quote


You can't force a mind I guess. gl i'm afk


I accept your concession curi.


ill bbl


i wrote 2 msgs to rat and he hasn't responded yet... [The link goes to the message "rat have you ever done this?"]


he's just baiting by lying


he thinks the nastier the accusations, the more social pressure he's exerting


and having them be false makes them extra annoying to facts-and-logic oriented ppl. bonus!?


and it's baiting by making it looks fairly easy to correct b/c it's simple, basic factual errors. but even this isn't actually fixable b/c he won't engage with reality.


I already said that asking me what I have done is not an explanation to your assertion


please read more carefully


if you think i've made an error, see


Still not an explanation


Imagine if anyone thought that flew as an explanation. "Vaccines don't work." Why? "See my debate policy"

Elliot Temple | Permalink | Messages (3)

Shadow Starshine Chat

Shadow Starshine (SS) was already tilted before this discussion, ever since I decided we had an Inferential Distance problem and he refused to read any articles to find out what that means.

He also wouldn't discuss the concept when I and others wrote several explanations for him in chat messages. In short it means there are major differences in our background knowledge and premises, and we need to find some points of common ground to build on (but SS refused to try to do that).

For context, here is the SS discussion tree I made for part of my discussion with SS, and here is the VSE discussion tree that he was actually talking about below. I had been unable to get substantive responses to either tree, and sadly that doesn't change in this chat.

This is from the public Fallible Ideas Discord.


That mindmap by curi is so dishonest

SS, are you going to write down an error in it? then, step 2, explain why you think that error was made dishonestly?

Shadow Starshine:

@curi I'm not writing down an error in it. It's dishonest because of where you started it, like taking a video clip of someone talking out of context to make it seem like there's another problem.


can you point out how any node is misleading or wrong b/c of missing context? that is, an error.

Shadow Starshine:

The first node makes it look like TheRat's question should be answered or was at all the topic at hand.

Shadow Starshine:

What should be shown is how that question was an avoidance of something already being asked of him.


which mindmap are you talking about? i figured it was the one about you.

Shadow Starshine:

Negative, TheRat and VSE


ok, you think rat's question shouldn't have been answered b/c of some message(s) i didn't include in the graph. the appropriate thing for you to do is quote those messages, right? then explain how they indicate rat's question shouldn't be answered.

Shadow Starshine:

Well I don't hold a belief that this would be a fruitful use of my time in a discussion with you in particular, but if someone else wishes to understand where I stand on that and why, they may ask.


if you won't argue your case, don't make claims here


you just say over and over that i'm wrong but you never substantiate it

Shadow Starshine:

That's rich coming from you


i'm the one who makes trees, writes articles, gives details


i ask you for details when you try to make claims that i'm wrong


you don't give them


ya there's a huge effort asymmetry


if you think i fucked up in some previous part of a discussion


provide it


you just keep referring to my past bad behavior that you don't specify or argue


when i try to go thru issues with you in detail

Shadow Starshine:

The amount of fuck ups you make is simply not worth my time, especially in a discussion where I want to convince you of them. I just told you if someone else has the same questions, i'll put in the effort.


you consistently stop part way


so that they don't get resolved


you haven't established i was wrong a single time


you have never made a case i was wrong about anything


that you have even claimed was objectively adequate

Shadow Starshine:

curi your position has been noted


since you don't want to resolve disagreements or argue your flaming-adjacent claims, you're on the wrong server.

Shadow Starshine:

Yet again, I'll say this for the third time

Shadow Starshine:

I'm interested in it with other people other than you


you say i made many fuckups but haven't explained even one


so it seems spurious that someone is going to tell me that I've been doing it wrong and that they can tell me the underpinning problems.

SS fyi your ultra hostile attitude towards curi doesn't really serve you well in helping establish your case as a veteran debater to whom a certain level of respect/deference should be granted re: judging discussion issues.

Shadow Starshine:

If I'm on the wrong server specifically because of my disinterest with you in particular, fine. But you can't say my disinterest is categorical.

Shadow Starshine:

and that's one error you can note right now


his methodology for objectively establishing an error is to write a sloppy sentence or two, then assume he's done



Shadow Starshine:

@JustinCEO depends who I'm trying to convince

Shadow Starshine:

I've already established I think curi is a waste of time, far beyond the amount of effort it would take

Shadow Starshine:

just to engage with some shit tier blogger


dude wtf


so hostile jeez


i'm out


Elliot Temple | Permalink | Messages (2)

Vegan Footsoldier Chat

This chat followed immediately after the DavetheDastard Chat. That's what my first four messages relate to.

This is from the public Fallible Ideas Discord.


i don't like talking with people who aren't interested and also aren't adequately literate or precise.


and who don't want to address that problem e.g. by reading my articles on how to discuss or the Inferential Distance articles


or making a serious effort to propose a way forward that works from my pov


i don't like when people say things like "my lord" instead of recognizing the large culture clash, being tolerant and curious, trying to deal with it rationally instead of assuming bad faith, etc.

"i don't like talking with people who [...don't want to read...] my articles on how to discuss"


are you aware that doesn't sound so cool curi?


i suggest that your next message do something to persuade me of your good faith interest in productive discussion.


So far all I have gotten from this server is people talking meta, being arrogant and getting caught up on miscommunication and nitpicking. I'm not interested in persuading you of my good faith, I'm interested in talking to cool people. I've come in here with an open mind but you aren't doing much to convince me you aren't arrogant and annoying to talk to. So at this point my interest in being in this server has wained to close to zero. Feel free to ban me, at least it will end my umming and arring about leaving 😂


you quoted me in a misleading way to make me look bad, then didn't give any explanation of what you think is bad. neither you nor any of your friends has made a reasonable effort to objectively establish any significant error by me or in FI philosophy. there hasn't even been a claim that a particular set of messages was objectively, rationally adequate to win the debate. see e.g.


I never claimed I won any debate


I came here to debate


and got meta


and links to articles


you're judging me and some ideas negatively. the rational way to do that is to back up that claim with arguments and attempt to actually win the debate re whether your arguments are correct or not, rather than just arbitrarily believing it or believing it while ignoring counter-arguments, or other errors like that.


what am I arguing for?


you claimed e.g.

being arrogant and getting caught up on miscommunication and nitpicking.


but you aren't arguing your negative beliefs like these


so it's unreasonable to conclude they're correct, because you might be incorrect and aren't taking adequate steps to find out if you're mistaken


establishing a negative claim in argument is one of the reasonable ways to reach a negative judgment about people. if you have some other method for reaching negative judgments that you think is rational and truth-seeking-compatible, you haven't explained it and i wasn't able to figure it out from your comments.


you are proving my point


I came to discuss and got meta


and you are continuing meta


this is discussion of how to be rational


if that topic doesn't interest you, you're on the wrong server


so the goals in this server are to discuss the meta of discussion?


if so then cool but i didn't know that


i thought this was a general philo server


discussing how to think, learn, judge ideas, etc – epistemology – is a common topic here


you can also discuss other things


well epistemology doesn't mean talking about a conversation about epistemology


however, if your discussion methodology differs from that of others, then you may run into major problems. as has happened with e.g. SS and ppl here.


for example, if I said to you, can music be judged objectively?


and you said, I don't like the way you posed the question


and then we argue the meta


then that's meta


and not the actual discussion itself


you aren't similar to the FI people. you don't seem to want to learn our ideas about how to think, learn and discuss. you want discussion to just work automatically without doing anything to bridge the gap.


it's really up to you if you're interested enough to learn something about ideas that are different than your current ideas, or not.


but if you try to ignore that this is the situation you're in when you come here, it isn't going to work well.


i appreciate that you are interested in meta discussion


but what if I want to discuss my previous example, whether music can be judged objectively... is that appropriate to do here? Or would we only want to discuss the way we can discuss whether music can be objective without actually discussing whether music can be objectively judged??


you can try but i expect you to run into problems like when i think you read something i say in a non-literal, biased way


then, in my understanding, you won't want to discuss or try to solve that problem


and i won't think the original discussion is productive given ongoing, unsolved problems like that


ok that's a fun goal. Let us attempt to discuss whether music can be objectively judged but before we get to that, let us immediately resolve any outstanding issues


please can you give the first issue to resolve?


i don't know if you're being sarcastic or what you mean


what is it I have said? Are we speaking about the quote you felt I manipulated?


or are there other things?


is the [mis]quote the most important issue here?


my biggest concern is that i predict certain types of problems will come up and that you then won't want to continue in a way i regard as productive, as i just explained.


well that is irrational


both you and I can predict anything we like


or are you claiming to have access to future knowledge? This is suddenly a bizarre conversation.


my take on this is that you aren't reading and understanding what i say, and that you aren't responding in a way that's good at clarifying.


can you point to an example?


me: i expect ... you won't want to

you: what is it I have said?


i talked about an expectation and used future tense. your response was to ask about the past.


what is your prediction based off?


I must have prompted you to think that


otherwise you are just being mystical


you don't understand where

then, in my understanding, you won't want to discuss or try to solve that problem

is coming from and how it relates to anything prior in the discussion?


no because I am currently tying to discuss and solve problems RIGHT NOW




can you point to an example?

do you accept the first example i gave?


you didn't respond


could you confirm what constitutes you example? I do not feel you have given a clear example yet.



You seem to be confused as to the flow of the conversation.

  1. ME - let us discuss objectivity in music
  2. YOU - I don't think we will get very far because I expect issues to arise
  3. ME - how so? Can you give an example of previous issues which have arisen so we can resolve?
  4. YOU - I am simply predicting that issues will arise - and the fact you assume I am referencing a previous example when in fact I am just predicting is an example of such an issue.

NOW - it seems that this example is derailing from the conversation. It seems your objections are prophetic. If there are no CURRENT issues preventing us from discussing objectivity in music, could we stop getting caught up in meta and move to the conversation of objectivity in music?


could you try responding more directly to what i said? e.g. do you agree that i talked about the future and you responded about the past? if so, why did you do that?


i already explained this......


you cannot make a prediction based upon nothing


but this is derailing


i talked about an expectation and used future tense. your response was to ask about the past.


what is your expectation predicated upon?


you aren't responding to me.


i am


is it because you think you can make predictions based upon nothing previously being observed?


why did you respond with the wrong tense?


because I assumed that you weren't foolish enough to base predictions on nothing


so skipped a step


and went stright to asking you what your predictions were based upon


so again what you are predictions based upon?


because now your predictions are based upon something which occurred after the fact of you originally predicting


ok so here i am worrying about miscommunications followed by them not being fixed b/c discussing miscommunications is meta discussion and you expressed your negative opinions of meta discussion ... and what you do is skip steps which makes miscommunications more likely and larger.





ok gl talking wtih someone else


you've confirmed my opinion of you mate


You assert we cannot discuss any given topic because you prophesize issues will arise - therefore we are limited to discussing how we ought to discuss but which is itself a discussion. Either you are a comedian or need to pull your head out of your ass. Leaving the server. No interesting discussion to be had here.

Elliot Temple | Permalink | Messages (0)

DavetheDastard Chat

This is an example of how bad at thinking people are regarding facts, logic and details. I think that's because they think socially instead.

Are you better? Join some discussions and test your belief and create documented evidence of your higher quality discussions.

The key point is that I disagreeed with him about some philosophy stuff and asked if he was interested in discussing. His replies included "Hahaha what" and "I’ll be willing to have a discussion to demonstrate that you’re talking utter nonsense in an unnecessarily hostile manner". Those replies indicated that he wasn't intellectually interested in the matter. I took that, combined with no answer to my question (re interest), as a "no", and told him so. He later followed up on that initial conversation in the chat below.

After this chat, Dave came back the next day to ask if I was "actually retarded" before leaving the server.

This is from the public Fallible Ideas Discord.

Freeze Today at 02:45
maybe this relates to the point you had that Dave might be wasting his career

curi Today at 02:48
it's related sure, but it isn't really what i was talking about. i think the specialization he works in is building complicated ideas on top of many layers of false premises, and that it doesn't have paths forward or engage seriously with other schools of thought which criticize it

Freeze Today at 02:49

curi Today at 02:49
his response was typical: he wasn't interested and also, despite the sort of work he allegedly does, he misread what i said and didn't respond meaningfully to my question.
the sort of work he allegedly does requires being great at accurate, detail reading of words, to the point that's easy and automatic

Curi, could you be more specific with the following:
In your initial message, you never explained in detail how my area of study rests on false premises - could you please identify which premises my area of study rests upon, and then demonstrate them to be "false"?
In what way(s) does my field of study fail to interact with other areas of study? Could you name a few, but then clarify how and why those areas of study would be relevant; i.e., my field of study does not relate with the study of Hospitality, but we wouldn't say that that is a problem. Also, whilst we're at it, could you acknowledge the fields of study which my area does interact with?
Your second message says that I wasn't interested [in your message informing me that my career is a waste due to the area of which it focuses is based on false premises] , and that despite the work I allegedly do, I misread what you said. Further, you say that I didn't respond meaningfully to your question.
You only asked one question, and that was whether I would be willing to discuss the matter with you.
I said that I would discuss the matter with you, and I then invited you to a VC to discuss the matter directly. I had hoped that to be a meaningful answer.

In your initial message, you never explained in detail how my area of study rests on false premises - could you please identify which premises my area of study rests upon, and then demonstrate them to be "false"?

this is not responsive to what i already said to you and how our conversation went.

You only asked one question, and that was whether I would be willing to discuss the matter with you.

that is not the question i asked. you should read.

DavetheDastard: in my considered and professional opinion, i think your specialization is based on incorrect premises and so it's a waste of a career. is that something you're interested in discussing? @DavetheDastard


you said that


that is your initial message, is it not?
And is it not true that in it you have stated that my area of study rests on false (incorrect) premises?
Also, is it not the case that you asked a single question, which is what I reported?


read it.


I have


have you read it today?


I have just copied and pasted it to you




in what way is me asking you to identify the incorrect premises which you have asserted to exist, not responsive to what you have said?


I have pasted it here from #slow


oic, you didn't quote it and it started wtih a link


very confusing


the link is what you posted in your initial message.


ok well, factually, does it ask if you're willing to discuss?


if I have failed to quote directly, then so had you


"is that something you're interested in discussing?


when i said you didn't quote it, i meant you didn't do this:



right, would that make a notable difference to you? it would merely alter the layout


it would have prevented the confusion, but nvm


is interest in discussing something the same as willingness?


I would have hoped you would recognise your message to me, the one which you have been referencing in other messages.
In the context which you asked it, it would be a fair reading to believe that you had asked me to interact with you, and not merely wonder if I am interested in discussing this area. One would have thought that I would be interested in discussing the field of study which I specialise in.


Look, if you are going to be unbelievably difficult in communication, then I am not wasting my time with you.
If you do not want to actually engage and have a discussion, fine, but in that case, would you please refrain from making further comments about my field of study and specifically my engagement in it.


the belief that the other guy is difficult re communication is symmetric. you aren't offering a symmetry breaker. i am offering one: your way of communicating contradicts the dictionary.




which is the first word that you don't follow?


it's just that you seem to be saying that I am contradicting the dictionary in my communication, and yet you are not capitalising your use of "I", in contrary to the dictionary.


in contrary to the dictionary.


are you or are you not asking whether I would like to meaningfully discuss the topic of whether my area of study rests upon incorrect premises?


sorry, is that a direct quote? Oughtn't we mark that with quotation marks?


i had in mind dictionary definitions, not minor typos or informalities like omitting trailing periods in one sentence messages



that is what a block quote indicator looks like on discord


that isn't quotation marks


a quotation marks appears as follows - "X is the case"


usually accompanied with a time stamp for mutual reference


are you not familiar with references?


do you want to try to actually resolve an issue?


again, I am only having this discussion with you to see whether or not you want to meaningfully discuss the question of whether my area of study rests on incorrect premises. If you do not wish to have such a discussion, and perhaps it may be fair to reason that you would likely not to have this current one either, then merely tell me so, and I will leave this discussion here. In doing so, however, I ask that you refrain from asserting that I am wasting my career on a field of study due to faults of that study, until you directly inform me of those premises and the nature of their falsity.


do you want to try to actually resolve an issue?


are you struggling to understand my previous message?


the only issue I wish to resolve is the question of whether my field of study rests upon incorrect premises, hence me having earlier asked you to identify those premises and to explain to me how they are incorrect.


you brought up other issues which you now grant you don't wish to resolve. that was inappropriate.


my lord.


you have just acknowledged that I have brought up issues in order for them to be resolved, and that due to you not acknowledging or engaging them, it is I who has been inappropriate.


i refer you to


right - to which bit in particular?
your not wanting to have a vc?


this is a waste of time, I'm leaving; please ping me in the future if you wish to meaningfully engage on the question of whether my field of study rests upon incorrect premises.


i don't like talking with people who aren't interested and also aren't adequately literate or precise.


and who don't want to address that problem e.g. by reading my articles on how to discuss or the Inferential Distance articles


or making a serious effort to propose a way forward that works from my pov


i don't like when people say things like "my lord" instead of recognizing the large culture clash, being tolerant and curious, trying to deal with it rationally instead of assuming bad faith, etc.

Elliot Temple | Permalink | Messages (0)