Over 99% of people create tons of their own problems.
Helping these people is ineffective. If they are helped to solve one problem, they'll just use the free time/energy/etc to create a new problem.
Over 99% of people are very passive.
Helping these people is ineffective. You can hand them solutions and then they sit there passively. Solving problems requires action.
Over 99% of people are very bad at understanding explanations.
Helping these people is ineffective. You can tell them solutions and they don't understand what you say. And they don't know how to (and/or don't want to) use conversation to find out.
Over 99% of people have a bad sense of life.
Helping these people is ineffective. You can offer them a better life and they don't want it.
In general, adults don't have bad lives by misfortune or accident. They have a life that fits them. It's on purpose. It's what they want.
Messages (8)
Consider a baby that doesn't know how to walk yet. Wouldn't it be weird to say crawling (not walking) is "what they want" (they don't want walking)? That's kinda what the last para sounds like to me.
In general, babies who walk earlier than other babies are doing it because they want to walk and the non-walking babies don't want to.
I agree 100% with this post.
I have started seeing this in me and others.
What kind(s) of help?
People are hard to help in some ways, but not in others. Examples:
You can help normally problem-creating people solve the problem of getting food, by opening a grocery store or a restaurant.
You can help normally passive people travel long distances by selling them a car or an airline ticket. Lots of them will be active enough to drive the car or get on the airplane.
You can help people who are normally bad at understanding explanations use a computer better by pre-setting it up for the things they want to do with easy icons. Most of them are able to understand stuff like "Click on the note icon to bring up your music".
You can help people with a normally bad sense of life live in better accommodations by selling or renting them a nice house. They have a good enough sense of life to prefer a house that's warm and dry to one where the roof leaks and there's mold on the walls.
All these forms of help do actually help. The people's lives are better than they would have been without the help.
I think only certain kind(s) of help was implied by your post, but not stated explicitly.
What kind(s) of help did you mean?
@#6611 you are talking about a baby and the last paragraph of the blog post. the last paragraph of the blog post specifies "adults".
> What kind(s) of help did you mean?
the beginning of infinity kind.
you help them travel and then they fight with their family on the plane ride home. you are talking about very limited help that doesn't change much relative to what could be changed.
> What kind(s) of help did you mean?
help not having bad lives.
so what should you do? is it best to just ignore them?